Anyway I stuck with my initial plan. Which was to create an ornament and a mini canvas ornament. I used layers of acryllics, bookpages bits, decoupage, gesso, drawing, outline stickers, beeswax and stamping on my mini canvases. They were fun to create! The clear circular ornament gave me a chance to use my ribbon and step outside the box and NOT use it as ribbon! I used the ribbon as a flower. I stitched the individual petals together adhere it to the plastic craft globe with Helmar's 450 glue (which dries very QUICK and CLEAR) and then attached a brad to its center. After attaching about four of these flowers to my ornament, I doodled all over it with my favorite white paint pen by DecoArt.. I also added a TP (toilet paper flower ornament).. I used Helmar 450 to adhere the chevron ribbon to the outside of the cut TP roll and I painted the inside with DecoArt. Added a little glitter to the edges (which I would reconsider now, if done again) Anyway, this was the final project.. :)
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Christmas Ribbon Challenge with May Arts!! December 2013
Anyway I stuck with my initial plan. Which was to create an ornament and a mini canvas ornament. I used layers of acryllics, bookpages bits, decoupage, gesso, drawing, outline stickers, beeswax and stamping on my mini canvases. They were fun to create! The clear circular ornament gave me a chance to use my ribbon and step outside the box and NOT use it as ribbon! I used the ribbon as a flower. I stitched the individual petals together adhere it to the plastic craft globe with Helmar's 450 glue (which dries very QUICK and CLEAR) and then attached a brad to its center. After attaching about four of these flowers to my ornament, I doodled all over it with my favorite white paint pen by DecoArt.. I also added a TP (toilet paper flower ornament).. I used Helmar 450 to adhere the chevron ribbon to the outside of the cut TP roll and I painted the inside with DecoArt. Added a little glitter to the edges (which I would reconsider now, if done again) Anyway, this was the final project.. :)
Monday, December 2, 2013
November's Creative Dare- GRATITUDE
this is pink,

This we were to also add a quote or write about gratitude. I am not a writer by any means.. lol So I went on my favorite site.. Pinterest and searched for gratitude quotes and found one that spoke most to me.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013
DecoArt Altered Frame/Chalk Board

In my collaged picture above I followed the steps to create the the chalkboard on a piece of cardboard. I also painted the wooden frame I got from Michael's with Gloss Enamel and made a thin border that I framed off with some halloween washi tape. :-) Because I was exactly sure how I would like my project I only used red double sided tacky tape to adhere the cardboard to the back of the wooden frame. I placed the tape on the frame and the board! Believe it or not, it is pretty sturdy! I may add a little texture at a later date, but for now I am pleased.. I am sure I will make a smaller one for my daughter to keep near the pc with small reminders. Things she won't want to hear me say.. lol.. but if she reads them.. It will stick!! lol
Anyway, I hope this is something you will try.. I know I have a plethora of ideas for this chalkboard paint!
Enjoy Thursday!! And from my family to yours Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 15, 2013
I {heart} Ornament Painting with DecoArts!

- Americana Crystal Gloss Enamels Glitter Transparent paint in Brown, Yellow, Orange, White,
- Americana Frost Gloss Enamel paint in Gold and Yellow
- Americana Gloss Enamel paint in Light Buttermilk, honey Brown and Dark Chocolate
- Adirondack Alcohol ink in Butterscotch
- Wraphia/Twine/Ribbon to thread ornaments
- Craft Glass Ornaments (available in various shapes and sizes)
- of course towel, alcohol wipes, small paint brush (for clean up) and scissors (to cut wrafia)
Thursday, October 31, 2013
October's Creative Daré....
This month for Tracy's monthly challenge in Mixed Media Mondays.. The theme is to Let Go... That is hard for me.. while I try to consciously to consider others feelings.. in conversation.. or advice.. or critique.. So many others care less about extending the same courtesy. Art is art.. to me... It should be appreciated for what it is.. regardless of content. People constantly put their creativity on the line.. People are cruel, sometimes.
For a long time I use to worry about it. Worrying held back my creativity and williness to share. Feels good to be surrounded by people who appreciate the efforts, first and foremost.. and creativity.. and feels good to know that in our small circle at Mixed Media Mondays with Tracy Weinzapfel.. the experience ranges beginners to teachers that are accomplished and commisioned artist. When we need help or assistance it's there.. and given so freely. The attitudes are positive.. The laughter is abundant! I hope you guys get a chance to come and join us..
Today's page was an example of me letting go.. I love it.. and plan to do more...
Anyway, thanks for looking..
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Grateful.. for you
Love this one.. got a chance to "Let Go!" And make small mess with my fingers.. Used some sunflower napkin, some prima papers and my Deco Arts paints.. I love how it turned out.. Hope you do as well..
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Playing Catch Up!
Can't Believe I let the whole month of August go by without posting to my blog. For that.. I am sorry.. I will do better. The month of September we are to post our house.. and in our house we should list some of the things we are willing to let into our house... The first one I started on I started with grids.. I started doing grids with Tammy Garcia over at doing ICADs (index cards a day) the BEST WORKSHOP ever.. I know for the rest of my life creating everyday whether it be.. on a card.. on a napkin.. in a sock.. on a shoe.. on a hemline.. on a pocket.. in a pocket.. no matter how small.. no matter where.. no matter with what mediums.. create everyday.. and if you can.. make a mental picture.. or a physical one.. lol Thank you Tammy.. <3 p="">
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013
FIND YOUR VOICE Lesson 3- Crafty Prompt
FIND YOUR VOICE Lesson 2- Part 2
Who am I? I am an introvert, until I feel comfortable around you. Then I let my hair down, the little I have left, lol.. I become a Good Girl, lol! In the best way.. :-)
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
July's Creative Dare
Make sure to sign up for a FREE Ustream account user name/password to participate in the LIVE Chat. Feel free to ask questions and be ready for some fun. We recommend logging in early to avoid a delay.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
FIND YOUR VOICE Lesson 2: Who Are YOU? Part 1
My favorite colors are hues of purples and blues. Believe it or not, as much as I LOVE PURPLE.. it's my POWER COLOR... :-) I don't wear it much in clothing. I will wear it in accessories (earrings, rings, watches,charms, pens, purses, phones, shoes.. you get my drift) . I also will choose it as a room/car/house color.. lol Blue.. I will wear.. it's my goto to color.. especially in denim! I also love black.. I hear it's slimming.. LOL :::pulling stomach in as I type:: I am not a big reader unless FB/TWITTER/BLOGS/AOL/COOKING and CRAFT MAGS count.. ::grinning like I got dimples to show:: if they don't.. original statement stands.. My hobbies would include anything social media; arts and crafts of every freaking kind; computers.. and to be honest.. computers started this all!! and my music- I love music.. as a matter of fact I am missing the Chosen Few Deep House Picnic. Speaking of music.. I need to make a playlist to add to my blog.. I think that will be part of my lesson 2.. in place of something else I'm suppose to do. :-) My favorite foods.. while they may not be the best for me in ample amounts.. dark chocolate.. and coffee would be at the head of the list!! I could talk about the pleasure that comes from eating those.. forever! Combine them? It's HEAVEN on EARTH!! :-) I also enjoy a good steak.. I could never be a vegan.. I love meat.. and potatoes.. but I am learning potatoes are not my friend.. ::big overly dramatic sigh and moment of silence inserted here::: lol I love seafood as well..but nothing SLIMY in TEXTURE!! My favorite holiday for a very long time has always been Christmas.. Especially after I had my daughter, but my dad died on Christmas.. and it's had a lil gray cloud over the day's activities for me every since. My daughter doesn't understand or know.. So I try to enjoy the day.. despite the want to sometimes just crawl in bed and feel sad.. Anywho.. Dad wouldn't want that for his granddaughter.. so I suck it up.. and try to have a better rest of the day.. but the whole season feels a lil tainted for me and filled with sadness till I do some crafting.. or something.. for someone else. My favorite kinds of music would be deep house, disco, r&b, hip hop, carribean/reggae, jazz and lil light country (yes... there is such a thing as light country.. its my term and I'm sticking to it!!)
My best accomplishment would be living.. :-) I say that now with a smile.. but believe me.. for a while.. I wasn't very sure. I received a pacemaker in September on 2012 on my mother's birthday. No one saw this coming. Apparently I have some genetic heart disease that went undetected for 40 years that could have been fatal. So again.. not ignoring my health and going to the doctor and choosing to live makes that one of my biggest accomplishments. The worst day I encountered was not being able to attend my father's funeral service. I was only 50 feet away, but my daughter, who has autism.. didn't like the crowd of people gathering or their loudness. So we forced into the dark limo early.. where I sat and held her close and thought of my dad. I thought of a bunch of things.. but I won't go there..My longest trip my car.. was to Niagara Falls, NY. We did the US and the Canadian side. Liked it so much we did it two summers in a row! By plane the longest trip was Los Angeles, CA. Furtherst I have ever been from home is when lived in Brooklyn, NY for a about three months. My smartest topic is not for this blog, which is rated, my mama may one day read it.. my funniest quirk.. is not liking the juices of my foods to mix on my plate.. lol Anyway, more about me ... later...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
In the above picture instead of five photos.. I focused on 5 things I needed to begin the process of starting my Follow Your Voice *challenge*. You will see a pencil.. I am sure that while writing I will make plenty of mistakes (smile). My Lesson- I know I will refer to it constantly throughout the week! My Pitt pens/plain papermate for doodling, haha as you see I have already begun doing some on my lesson! My camera for taking pictures (might be my trusty Kodak.. or my HTC cell phone.. :-) and Last my MP3 player.. whenevr I feel blocked.. I will put my buds in my ears.. and unplug my mind!! That's my story and I am sticking to it!!.. Thanks for coming on this adventure with me!!
What is Storytelling to me? What stories do I want to tell?
To me, storytelling is the ability to capture an audience with true or make believe dynamics of some sort. Whether it be with groups of words and sentences; pictures or pieces or art; movements as in a dance; notes in a song.. The stories I would like to tell would be of childhood and adult memories, some good, some bad.. some lessons well learned.. some adventures with friends.. lol my daughter.. my craft.. I could tell a goo-gob stories.. and no one would tell them from my perspective.. like I could.. :-)
Who are you? Use this space to describe yourself...
:-) I am Tamiko in japanese it means a beautiful child/flower.. I am Mother of one, Daughter, Sister, Friend to many, an exWife, Lover, Starving Artist (not in the nutritional sense, but in the thirst for knowledge and desire for technique and artistry, :-)) I love deep. I am passionate about things I care about.. and I care about a lot of things.. and money isn't one. I am motivated by enlightenment.. if that makes sense.. so I feel like I will forever evolve! I am a purple, chocolate, and coffee lover!! I am a WSL and Pacemaker Recipient! I am unsure, unknowing, KIND, Fair, Spiritual, Strong, Weak, MEAN, Sarcastic and probably some other things.. lol.. :-)
What are your storytelling goals?
How do they fit in with the rest of your creative & life goals?
My Story telling goals will help me to communicate my purpose. I am transforming and with these changes I will need to be able talk to people and explain the impact of having had WLS, a pacemaker, losing over 100lbs, having a child with autism, my art and crafts and how things have affected /sustained me during these times.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
More Powerful Truths!
New Challenge.. Story Writing..
Anyway, will update and share as I learn more!!
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Ian!!
(that's my baby Brother, never know when he is reading)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
June's Creative Dare
Make sure to sign up for a FREE Ustream account user name/password to participate in the LIVE Chat. Feel free to ask questions and be ready for some fun. We recommend logging in early to avoid a delay.