Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jennibelle 7 days Challenge- Day 1 Markers..

I decided to join my friend Sandy/Vicki on the Jennibelle 7 day challenge
Jenni says the object is to get 7 pieces of paper and to do one thing to them each day for 7 days..  By the end of the 7 days you will have 7 background pages to play with,

So I grabbed some Project Life grid cards I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby!
I don't do project life, but after doing ICAD (index card a day) with Daisy Yellow, these cards seemed more than perfect to do some mini. or index size art.. and it had grids... awesome for me!

Well these post won't be long or I will be discouraged from creating them daily for the next 7 days.. lol  Well day one on my grid papers.. I used markers!

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