Thursday, October 31, 2013

October's Creative Daré....

This month for Tracy's monthly challenge in Mixed Media Mondays.. The theme is to Let Go... That is hard for me.. while I try to consciously to consider others feelings.. in conversation.. or advice.. or critique.. So many others care less about extending the same courtesy.  Art is art.. to me... It should be appreciated for what it is.. regardless of content.  People constantly put their creativity on the line.. People are cruel, sometimes.

For a long time I use to worry about it.  Worrying held back my creativity and williness to share.  Feels good to be surrounded by people who appreciate the efforts, first and foremost.. and creativity.. and feels good to know that in our small circle at Mixed Media Mondays with Tracy Weinzapfel.. the experience ranges beginners to teachers that are accomplished and commisioned artist. When we need help or assistance it's there.. and given so freely. The attitudes are positive.. The laughter is abundant!  I hope you guys get a chance to come and join us..

Today's page was an example of me letting go.. I love it.. and plan to do more...

Anyway, thanks for looking..

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Grateful.. for you

Love this one.. got a chance to "Let Go!" And make small mess with my fingers.. Used some sunflower napkin, some prima papers and my Deco Arts paints.. I love how it turned out.. Hope you do as well..

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Playing Catch Up!

Wow ...

Can't Believe I let the whole month of August go by without posting to my blog.  For that.. I am sorry.. I will do better.  The month of September we are to post our house..  and in our house we should list some of the things we are willing to let into our house...   The first one I started on  I started with grids.. I started doing grids with Tammy Garcia over at doing ICADs (index cards a day)  the BEST WORKSHOP ever.. I know for the rest of my life creating everyday whether it be.. on  a card.. on a napkin.. in a sock.. on a shoe.. on a hemline.. on a pocket..  in a pocket.. no matter how small.. no matter where.. no matter with what mediums.. create everyday.. and if you can.. make a mental picture.. or a physical one.. lol  Thank you Tammy.. <3 p="">

The second picture is my first attemp to use my gelli prints as  background on canvas board.. 

and as always..  Thanks for stopping by.. :-)


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